We Measure The Shortest Laser Pulses On Earth

We Measure The Shortest Laser Pulses On Earth

We Measure The Shortest Laser Pulses On Earth

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d-scan is an inline, compact and high-performance device for the simultaneous measurement and compression of even the most demanding ultrafast pulses. d-scan can be used either as a standalone system or integrated with existing optical pulse compressors. It handles broadband oscillators, amplifiers, OPAs and hollow-fiber compressors.

Coupling your beam into the d-scan is easily achieved in less than one minute and a full measurement takes less than 10 seconds. The resulting d-scan traces are very intuitive and a proprietary retrieval algorithm provides fast and accurate retrieval of the full electric field of your compressed ultrafast pulses.


Few-cycle Ti:Sapphire oscillator: Measured (a) and retrieved (b) d-scan traces. (c) Measured spectrum (black) and retrieved spectral phase (red). (d) Retrieved temporal profile (black) and phase (red). Pulse duration is 5.5 ± 0.1 fs (FWHM).

For more details please check:
M. Miranda, P. Rudawski, C. Guo, F. Silva, C. Arnold, T. Binhammer, H. Crespo, and A. L’Huillier, “Ultrashort laser pulse characterization from dispersion scans: a comparison with SPIDER,” in CLEO: 2013, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2013), paper JTh2A.31 (San Jose, CA, USA, 9-14 June 2013).

Hollow Fiber Compressor


Single-cycle hollow-fiber compressor: Measured (a) and retrieved (b) d-scan traces. (c) Measured spectrum (black) and retrieved spectral phase with standard deviation (red). (d) Retrieved temporal profile for the wedge insertion that minimizes the pulse duration, corresponding to 3.2 fs (1.3 cycles at 740 nm).

For more details please check:
F. Silva, M. Miranda, B. Alonso, J. Rauschenberger, V. Pervak, and H. Crespo, “Simultaneous compression, characterization and phase stabilization of GW-level 1.4 cycle VIS-NIR femtosecond pulses using a single dispersion-scan setup,” Opt. Express 22, 10181-10191 (2014)

Technical Specifications

  d-scan B (a) d-scan R (b) d-scan NIR (c) d-scan 1.5
Wavelength range 450-1000nm
600-1100nm 700-1400nm 1500-1700nm
Pulse duration (FTL) 2.5fs to 10fs sub 5fs to 20 fs 2.5fs to 60fs 60fs to 200fs
Chirp range ±375 fs2 ±720 fs2 ±600 fs2 ±4000 fs2
Repetition rate 1 kHz and above (d)
Input polarization Linear
Max input aperture 20 mm 10 mm
Required input energy >100 pJ @ 80 MHz
1 µJ @ 1 kHz
Compression module dimensions (WxLxH) 317 x 336 x 97 mm 250 x 250 x 100 mm
Measuring head dimensions (WxLxH) 182 x 336 x 97 mm 57 x 57 x 116mm

(a) Optimized for hollow fiber compressors
(b) Optimized for Ti:sapphire oscillators and OPCPAs
(c) Optimized for OPCPA
(d) Lower repetition rates possible with external synch option
* Vacuum compatible systems available on request
Talk to us for different wavelength range, chirp range, input aperture, and other

d-scan compressor and measuring head
d-scan brochure
d-scan form

d-scan form

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